Tuesday 18 October 2016

Reflection Report

Precident Analysis

Drawing of what we would've done differently from class

Reflection on our market

Overall I think the market went really well.

Setting up, we initially had just the tables with fabric over them, but then we found some sticks from a previous market that we combined with stools so that we could rig up some bunting (leftover from a previous market, and some from the vibes team). Then we found a roll of cardboard to put in front of the tables which made our entrance link more to the internal decorations.

We were worried about having a bottleneck when people came in, and also between markets when people were both leaving and entering, but it turned out to work a lot better than expected. We managed to get the bag drop working really fast, and only the first stream ended up doing that – everyone else didn’t bring bags, which meant there was no stress about that. The booklets worked well too – the people who used the bag drop brought them back, because that was the system we used, but nobody else did – and we had about the right amount left for the next stream. In the end we only had about 8 left, which we recycled.

The fact that the entrance and exit were in the same place worked in our favour, since a lot of people went in the last stall before they were finished – and then they just went inside again, so the flow of it worked quite well.

Wednesday 12 October 2016

Final Video

Creative Industries - Market of Abandoned Materials 

This video is to show people an overview of what our market was and what it meant with its themes and ideas. It goes through the process from the start of the video with the waste streams, to the group meetings and the organisation with trail markets etc. To the development and production of groups products right through to the end product our market, the set up and the entire market overall. 

I think this video is a good representation of the market and I feel as though it gives a good overview of our actual market on the day and how much of a success it was.

Monday 10 October 2016

Our market Waste Streams

Where is our stuff going after the market?

The booklets - They are all made of paper, in the second stream we will be giving them away to the people and not specifically asking for them returned, if they are returned we will give them to any stalls in our stream and if no-one is wanting to keep them then we will recycle them as they are all made with card and paper that can be recycled.

The fabric - The fabric we have used is sheets and fabric which has been thrown out, after this some members in our group are wanting the material to use so they will take it back.

The t-shirts - We are going to take them and continue to wear them as a souvenir of our market place.

The signs - Our signs are made of paper which we will put in the recycling to continue its life cycle.